Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Eternal Fascism you say?

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A few years ago, I read Umberto Eco's "Ur Fascism" essay and recently I saw that the internet radio program "Plus on est de fous, plus on lit!" did a show on that text, from the problematic point of view of Pierre-Luc Brisson and Marie-Louise Arsenault. Goes without saying that I had to offer my two cents!

Eco’s essay takes a reactionary position based primarily on emotion. It has the appearance of logic and coherence, but only broad and empty idea categories are used such as freedom, democracy, human rights, equality, and so forth. Brisson gives a five-minute "analysis" of the text. Do not expect any familiarity with mathematical theory, continental philosophy or meta-logic. Here, Brisson offers pop philosophy and pop psychology. Academics like the late Umberto Eco (and, by extension, Brisson) just love to assert universal codes of moral and ethical standards, while simultaneously promoting total relativism. They are both representative of the modern left at universities (as seen in Eco's arguments).

Eco speaks of having loved fascist Italy as a child. Then he heard the "Voice of London" (anglophone of course) on the radio and began to change his mind. He finally gave up "fascism" thanks to chewing gum (yes, he says that), which provided the possibilities of freedom. There was also a black American (one of the Allied soldiers) whose comic books impressed him so much that, golly lolly, America is so where it’s at! (note: ultra-liberal European intellectuals like Eco normally hate America)

Eco speaks of Evola, Ezra Pound and the Grail mysticism, calling all this idiotic (even though he made a lot of money writing about such topics, as in Foucault’s Pendulum). He thinks that the idea of "corrupt art" is ridiculous. I'm sorry, but there is corrupt art. The things he mentions, such as Cubism, are degenerate (even the Frankfurt School brought this up). But for Eco, toxic culture does not exist.

He criticizes "eternal fascism" (Ur Fascism) as an "eternal war" that the left must fight. So, according to Eco’s incarnation of the progressive liberal socialist European intellectual, what should I take away from this? Quite simply, I must be against any form of tradition, because tradition rejects modernity. Eco says that the "fascists" reject the modern liberalism of the Enlightenment in favor of irrationalism, though it has never been shown that the Enlightenment was rational.

Eco says that fascists encourage the idea of heroism and that soldiers are just hero idolaters who like to play with their guns. According to Eco, this shows that they have a phallic problem. He thinks he looks smart in criticizing heroism, but I would bet Eco sees himself as a liberal hero. With all the praise heaped on him, academic awards, his books and the films based on them, I can only guess that he thought he was an exceptional being (even heroic), making his so-called dismantling of the idea of the hero seem less than credible. Earlier in the essay he described the Allies as heroes, so are the Allies also subject to the phallic obsession of their guns? Besides, are we supposed to believe that there is a sexual problem among right-wing people? Bestiality, pedophilia, BDSM whips and handcuffs are not promoted by right-wing people. Rather, it’s the folks on Eco’s side who encourage such things. People like Michel Foucault who went to the bath houses at night and then wrote books on "punishment" by day.

Eco thinks that the right is Orwellian, but nothing is more Orwellian than lefty British liberalism. Did he really think Orwell was talking about Mussolini? Orwell was actually talking about Fabian socialism, which is the version of liberalism preferred by Eco (and Brisson, I imagine). Newspeak and liberal-language are both from Eco ‘s precious liberal tradition. But whoever disagrees with them is labeled a fascist.

Eco believes that the democratic majority is sacred, but he has desacralized the entire universe with his liberal world view. Regardless, he professes that there is an inherent holiness among the democratic masses (whom he elsewhere despises). Brisson repeated the old "populism" line (another meaningless word, like fascism) about how "populism" has taken root in the American Midwest after job relocation. Well, if Brisson suddenly had no job and no income, would he not be upset too? Not everyone can be pseudo-intellectual, living on scholarships to do useless research (useless in the sense of his liberal weltanschauung). Liberalism does not respect individual rights, as the Antifas and SJWs beat up anyone they do not like. Why? Because they are possessed by their ideology (as Dostoevsky said in "Demons"). If you are a heterosexual white man, you are a fascist.

Eco says that "Ur Fascism" could come back at any time and that it is our duty to recognize it and point it out. Well, I would point my finger at Eco (and those who follow him) as his position is true fascism. His liberal fascism is the worst because he preaches tolerance, while at the same time destroying true tolerance.